Hello Everyone!!
If you are an app developer @ Thunkable / Makeroid / Appybuilder etc. . and waht to know How to Convert Base64 String Code to Image without using any extension then you are at the right place. Today i'm here to tell you how you can easily convert a B64 String to Image Usinga simple java script. Here is an example take a look!!
As you can see i have used a Text Box, Button & a Web viewer Component for this work.
Please note here you can only convert a Base 64 String into an Image. I mean to say that the java Code used here is a unidirectional code i.e it can convert a B64 String into Image only not any Image to B64 String. if you want to know more about How to Convert an Image into Base 64 String code then write us in the comment we'll provide you a complete guide on this topic then.
Here is the list of Coponents you'll need to create this App in thunkable or whatever plateform you are using to craete your's . Here i'm using thunkable classic for creating this App
◉ A Test Box Component.
◉ A Button
◉ A webviewer.
If you are an app developer @ Thunkable / Makeroid / Appybuilder etc. . and waht to know How to Convert Base64 String Code to Image without using any extension then you are at the right place. Today i'm here to tell you how you can easily convert a B64 String to Image Usinga simple java script. Here is an example take a look!!
As you can see i have used a Text Box, Button & a Web viewer Component for this work.
Please note here you can only convert a Base 64 String into an Image. I mean to say that the java Code used here is a unidirectional code i.e it can convert a B64 String into Image only not any Image to B64 String. if you want to know more about How to Convert an Image into Base 64 String code then write us in the comment we'll provide you a complete guide on this topic then.
Here is the list of Coponents you'll need to create this App in thunkable or whatever plateform you are using to craete your's . Here i'm using thunkable classic for creating this App
◉ A Test Box Component.
◉ A Button
◉ A webviewer.
Design UI According to your choice. Here I'm providing you the blocks Screenshot to know how you have to write your blocks. So when you paste a base 64 dstring code and press button 1 ( i.e View Button ) then it'll convert the B64 String code into an image and display it.